Tomorrow, January 13, Ice 2 opens in Chinese movie theatres. The picture was created by NMG Studio, Art Pictures Studio and Vodorod Film Company. The movie release will be supported by the Russian Embassy in China and is timed to coincide with the XXIV Winter Olympic Games due to begin on February 4 in Beijing. The movie title was adapted to the new audience; in China the film is released as Ice 2, Dad, I love you!
According to the film’s distributor, BEIJING HY MEDIA CO. LTD, its release in China will help to promote Russian culture in the Asian market and maintain the spirit of the upcoming Winter Olympics.
It’s worth noting that, despite the pandemic, by now, Ice 2 has grossed half a million dollars at the international box office; the film was screened in 16 countries. The first part of the film grossed USD 2,700,000 in China and was shown under the title Queen of Figure Skating.
Ice 2 was an overwhelming success on the Russian market, making more than RUB 1 billion in 10 days after its premiere and ranked among the 15 highest-grossing films in the Russian box office. The first episode of the Ice movie, Queen of Figure Skating, made RUB 1 billion in 12 days after its release.